All Quran Sureh With English Translation & TransliterationPara 30 With English Translation And Transliteration

Surah Mutaffifin With English Translation & Transliteration.

Surah Mutaffifin With English Translation & Transliteration.

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Chapter Number: 83
Chapter Name: Mutaffifin.
Juz Number: 30
Chapter Verses: 36
Revealed At: Makkah
Ruku: 1


Surah Mutaffifin With English Translation & Transliteration.


.بِسۡمِ ٱللهِ ٱلرَّحۡمَـٰنِ ٱلرَّحِيمِ

Bismillaahir Rahmaanir Raheem.

In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.


وَيۡلٌ لِّلۡمُطَفِّفِيۡنَۙ﴿۱

1. Waylul-lil-mutaffifeen.

1. Woe to those that deal in fraud,


الَّذِيۡنَ اِذَا اكۡتَالُوۡا عَلَى النَّاسِ يَسۡتَوۡفُوۡنَ ‏﴿۲

2. Allazeena izak-taaloo ‘alan-naasi yastawfoon.

2. Those who, when they have to receive by measure from men, exact full measure,


وَاِذَا كَالُوۡهُمۡ اَوْ وَّزَنُوۡهُمۡ يُخۡسِرُوۡنَؕ‏ ﴿۳

3. Wa izaa kaaloohum aw wazanoohum yukhsiroon. 

3. But when they have to give by measure or weight to men, give less than due.


 اَلَا يَظُنُّ اُولٰٓٮِٕكَ اَنَّهُمۡ مَّبۡعُوۡثُوۡنَۙ ‏﴿۴

4. Alaa yazunnu ulaaa’ika annahum mab’oosoon.

4. Do they not think that they will be raised up?


 لِيَوۡمٍ عَظِيۡمٍۙ ‏﴿۵

5. Li-Yawmin ‘Azeem. 

5. On a Mighty Day,


 يَّوۡمَ يَقُوۡمُ النَّاسُ لِرَبِّ الۡعٰلَمِيۡنَؕ ‏﴿۶

6. Yawma yaqoomun naas li-Rabbil-‘aalameen.

6. A Day when (all) mankind will stand before the Lord of the Worlds? 


 كَلَّاۤ اِنَّ كِتٰبَ الۡفُجَّارِ لَفِىۡ سِجِّيۡنٍؕ ﴿۷

7. Kallaaa inna kitaabal fujjaari lafee Sijjeen. 

7. Nay! Surely the Record of the Wicked is (preserved) in Sijjîn.


وَمَاۤ اَدۡرٰٮكَ مَا سِجِّيۡنٌؕ‏ ﴿۸

8. Wa maa adraaka maa Sijjeen. 

8. And what will explain to thee what Sijjin is?


كِتٰبٌ مَّرۡقُوۡمٌؕ‏ ﴿۹

9. Kitaabum-marqoom.

9. (There is) a Register (fully) inscribed. 


وَيۡلٌ يَّوۡمَٮِٕذٍ لِّلۡمُكَذِّبِيۡنَۙ‏ ﴿۱۰

10. Wayluny-Yawma’izil-lil mukazzibeen.

10. Woe, that Day, to those that deny 


الَّذِيۡنَ يُكَذِّبُوۡنَ بِيَوۡمِ الدِّيۡنِؕ‏ ﴿۱۱

11. Allazeena yukazziboona bi-Yawmid-Deen.

11. Those that deny the Day of Judgment. 


وَمَا يُكَذِّبُ بِهٖۤ اِلَّا كُلُّ مُعۡتَدٍ اَثِيۡمٍۙ ‏﴿۱۲

12. Wa maa yukazzibu bi heee illaa kullu mu’tadin aseem.

12. And none can deny it but the Transgressor beyond bounds, the Sinner!


اِذَا تُتۡلٰى عَلَيۡهِ اٰيٰتُنَا قَالَ اَسَاطِيۡرُ الۡاَوَّلِيۡنَؕ‏ ﴿۱۳

13. Izaa tutlaa ‘alayhi Aayaa tunaa qaala asaațeerul-awwa leen.

13. When Our Signs are rehearsed to him, he says, “Tales of the Ancients!”


 كَلَّا‌ بَلۡ؄ رَانَ عَلٰى قُلُوۡبِهِمۡ مَّا كَانُوۡا يَكۡسِبُوۡنَ‏ ﴿۱۴

14. Kallaa bal raana ‘alaa quloobihim maa kaanoo yaksi boon.

14. By no means! But on their hearts is the stain of the (ill) which they do!


 كَلَّاۤ اِنَّهُمۡ عَنۡ رَّبِّهِمۡ يَوۡمَٮِٕذٍ لَّمَحۡجُوۡبُوۡنَ‌ؕ ‏﴿۱۵

15. Kallaaa innahum ‘ar Rabbihim Yawma’izil-lamaḥ jooboon.

15. Verily, from (the Light of) their Lord, that Day, will they be veiled.


ثُمَّ اِنَّهُمۡ لَصَالُوۡا الۡجَحِيۡمِؕ ‏﴿۱۶

16. Summa innahum lașaa lul-Jaheem. 

16. Further, they will enter the Fire of Hell.


ثُمَّ يُقَالُ هٰذَا الَّذِىۡ كُنۡتُمۡ بِهٖ تُكَذِّبُوۡنَؕ‏ ﴿۱۷

17. Summa yuqaalu haazal lazee kuntum bihee tukazziboon.

17. Further, it will be said to them “This is the (reality) which ye rejected as false !”


كَلَّاۤ اِنَّ كِتٰبَ الۡاَبۡرَارِ لَفِىۡ عِلِّيِّيۡنَؕ ‏﴿۱۸

18. Kallaaa inna kitaabal abraari lafee ‘Illiyyeen. 

18. Nay, verily the Record of the Righteous is (preserved) in ‘Illîyîn.


 وَمَاۤ اَدۡرٰٮكَ مَا عِلِّيُّوۡنَؕ ‏﴿۱۹

19. Wa maaa adraaka maa ‘Illiyyoon.

19. And what will explain to thee what ‘Illiyûn is?


كِتٰبٌ مَّرۡقُوۡمٌۙ‏ ﴿۲۰

20. Kitaabum-marqoom.

20. (There is) a Register (fully) inscribed, 


 يَّشۡهَدُهُ الۡمُقَرَّبُوۡنَؕ ‏﴿۲۱

21. Yashhadu-hul-muqarra boon. 

21. To which bear witness those Nearest (to Allah).


 اِنَّ الۡاَبۡرَارَ لَفِىۡ نَعِيۡمٍۙ ‏﴿۲۲

22. Innal-abraara lafee Na’eem. 

22. Truly the Righteous will be in Bliss:


عَلَى الۡاَرَآٮِٕكِ يَنۡظُرُوۡنَۙ‏ ﴿۲۳

23. ‘Alal-araaa’iki yanzuroon.

23. On raised couches will they command a sight (of all things):


تَعۡرِفُ فِىۡ وُجُوۡهِهِمۡ نَضۡرَةَ النَّعِيۡمِ‌ۚ ‏﴿۲۴

24. Ta’rifu fee wujoohihim nadratan-na’eem. 

24. Thou wilt recognise in their Faces the beaming brightness of Bliss.


يُسۡقَوۡنَ مِنۡ رَّحِيۡقٍ مَّخۡتُوۡمٍۙ‏ ﴿۲۵

25. Yusqawna mir-raheeqim makhtoom.

25. Their thirst will be slaked with Pure Wine sealed; 


خِتٰمُهٗ مِسۡكٌ  ‌ؕ وَفِىۡ ذٰلِكَ فَلۡيَتَنَافَسِ الۡمُتَنــَافِسُوۡنَؕ ‏﴿۲۶

26. Khitaamuhoo misk; wa fee zaalika falyatanaafasil Mutanaafisoon.

26. The sea! thereof will be musk: and for this let those aspire, who have aspirations:


 وَ مِزَاجُهٗ مِنۡ تَسۡنِيۡمٍۙ ‏﴿۲۷

27. Wa mizaajuhoo min Tas neem.

27. With it will be (given) a mixture of Tasnim:


 عَيۡنًا يَّشۡرَبُ بِهَا الۡمُقَرَّبُوۡنَؕ‏ ﴿۲۸

28. ‘Aynany-yashrabu bihal muqarraboon.

28. A spring, from (the waters) whereof drink those Nearest to Allah. 


اِنَّ الَّذِيۡنَ اَجۡرَمُوۡا كَانُوۡا مِنَ الَّذِيۡنَ اٰمَنُوۡا يَضۡحَكُوۡنَ ‏﴿۲۹

29. Innal-lazeena ajramoo kaanoo minal-lazeena aamanoo yadhakoon. 

29. Those in sin used to laugh at those who believed,


 وَاِذَا مَرُّوۡا بِهِمۡ يَتَغَامَزُوۡنَ ‏﴿۳۰

30. Wa izaa marroo bihim yataghaamazoon.

30. And whenever they passed by them, used to wink at each other (in mockery); 


 وَاِذَا انقَلَبُوۡۤا اِلٰٓى اَهۡلِهِمُ انْقَلَبُوۡا فَكِهِيۡنَ ‏﴿۳۱

31. Wa izan-qalabooo ilaaa ahlihimun-qalaboo fakiheen.

31. And when they returned to their own people, they would return jesting;


وَاِذَا رَاَوۡهُمۡ قَالُوۡۤا اِنَّ هٰٓؤُلَاۤءِ لَـضَآلُّوۡنَۙ ﴿۳۲

32. Wa izaa ra-awhum qaa looo inna haaa’ulaaa’i laḍaaal loon.

32. And whenever they saw them, they would say, “Behold! these are the ople truly astray!” 


 وَمَاۤ اُرۡسِلُوۡا عَلَيۡهِمۡ حٰفِظِيۡنَۙ ‏﴿۳۳

33. Wa maaa ursiloo ‘alay him haafizeen. 

33. But they had not been sent as Keepers over them! 


 فَالۡيَوۡمَ الَّذِيۡنَ اٰمَنُوۡا مِنَ الۡكُفَّارِ يَضۡحَكُوۡنَۙ ‏﴿۳۴

34. Fal-Yawmal-lazeena aa manoo minal-kuffaari yadha koon. 

34. But on this Day the Believers will laugh at the Unbelievers:


عَلَى الۡاَرَآٮِٕكِۙ يَنۡظُرُوۡنَؕ ‏﴿۳۵

35. ‘Alal-araaa’iki yanzu roon. 

35. On raised couches they will command (a sight) (of all things). 


هَلۡ ثُوِّبَ الۡكُفَّارُ مَا كَانُوۡا يَفۡعَلُوۡنَ ‏﴿۳۶

36. Hal suwwibal-kuffaaru maa kaanoo yaf’aloon.

36. Will not the Unbelievers have been paid back for.

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Title: Surah Takwir With English Translation And Transliteration.
Written This Blog By: Mohammed Hamza Bin Mohammed Haji Bin Mohammed Ghouse Bin Mohammed Burhan.
Website: QuranEnglishTranslate.Com
Studio: Asia Islamic Studio

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